AIIMS Research

The administrative hierarchy of the Research Section includes Dean (Research), Associate-Dean (Research), and Officer in-charge of 3 core units viz., Administrative Wing, Accounts Wing and the Stores Wing. The Research Section has additionally developed four specialised units, dedicated to excellence in various areas of research. The Centralized Core Research Facility (CCRF), the Clinical Research Unit (CRU), Centre for Medical Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CMIE) and the Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer Division (IPR & TT), all manage various facets of research. Finally, multiple research committees, help Research Dean in managing various aspects of research administration.
Research Section Organogram

JAO: Junior Administrative Officer; UDC: Upper Divisional Clerk; LDC: Lower Divisional Clerk; CCRF: Centralized Core Research Facility; CRU: Clinical Research Unit; CMIE: Centre for Medical Innovation & Entrepreneurship; IPR & TTDC: Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer Division; CCO: Chief Coordinating Officer; AO: Administrative Officers; DEO: Data Entry Officers.

Prof. Nikhil Tandon
Professor and Head
Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism,
AIIMS, New Delhi
Dean (Research)
Prof. Nikhil Tandon is Head of Endocrinology at AIIMS, specializing in cardio-metabolic diseases. With 25 years of public health experience, he has led landmark epidemiological studies, including the CARRS Cohort, exploring biomarkers and metabolomics in cardiometabolic risk. He has served on multiple WHO expert groups and advises national Indian government committees on chronic disease guidelines, technology-enabled care, and research initiatives.
His influence extends beyond clinical practice into teaching and research, where he has played a pivotal role in shaping the future of endocrinology and was honoured by the Government of India in 2015 with Padma Shri, the fourth highest Indian civilian award.
Associate Dean (Research)
Prof. Govind K Makharia, Associate Dean (Research) is Professor in the Department of Gastroenterology and Human Nutrition. His core research focus is on celiac disease and other enteropathic disorders. With a h-index of 60 and with more than 352 research articles, Dr. Makharia is considered a leader in both global and national gastroenterology research.
He is currently the President of Indian Society of Gastroenterology, Governing Council Member of World Gastroenterology Organization, Chairman of Asian Pacific Working Group on Celiac Disease and Governing Council Member of Indian Council of Medical Research. An astute teacher, he is credited with initiating the Young Clinician Program, Evidence Based Gastroenterology, and Training the Trainers program for Fellows of gastroenterology.

Prof. Govind K Makharia
Professor, MD, DM, DNB
Department of Gastroenterology,
AIIMS, New Delhi
Administrative Wing:
The Administrative Wing overviews research project applications by investigators to various funding agencies. The appointment of research staff and their extension, EHS facility, participation in conference/training, resignation, experience certificate etc. are dealt by the administrative wing. Additionally, the administrative wing deals with RTI cases, court cases, parliamentary questions and other service-related matters.
Accounts Wing:
The Finance/Accounts wing deals with the salary of the project staff, temporary advance & adjustment, payment of supplies and materials, contingency bills, issue of statement of accounts, Utilization Certificate, & audit. The general financial rules of Gov. of India are followed for financial transactions and AIIMS purchase manual procedures are followed for purchase of any item in the research projects at the AIIMS.
Stores Wing:
The Stores Wing deals with the processes of purchase of research items by open general license (OGL) process. The research store processes demand drafts, supply orders, Letter of Credit(LC), tenders & bids, and works in collaborating with stores purchase committee of AIIMS and individual departments (as required). Stores Wing oversees the procurement of inventory, ensure quality and maintains records for research section.
Specialized Units
The Research Section at AIIMS, Delhi, is supported by four specialized units, each fostering significant advancements in medical science and technology. The Clinical Research Unit (CRU) centralizes resources & training. The Centre for Medical Innovation & Entrepreneurship (CMIE) drives innovations in emerging healthcare technologies. The Centralized Core Research Facility (CCRF) offers cutting-edge instrumentation for genomics, proteomics, and bioinformatics. The Intellectual Property Rights and Technology Transfer Division (IPR & TTD) manages intellectual property and facilitates technology transfer. These units collectively bolster AIIMS’s role as a leader in medical research and innovation.
The Research Section is supported by following committees:
- Dean’s Research Committee (DRC)
- Project Review Committee (Clinical Science) for Early Career Intramural Projects
- Project Review Committee (Basic Science) for Early Career Intramural Projects
- Project Review Committees for Intramural Collaborative Projects (External Reviewers)
- Selection Committees for contractual appointment of research staff
- AIIMS Research Excellence Award Committee
- AIIMS Endowment Fund – Executive Council, Scientific Advisory Committee, Fund Promotion Committee
- Intellectual Property Management Committee (IPMC)
- Committee for Scientific Misconduct & Research Publication
- Core Committee and Sub-committees of Centralized Core Research Facility (CCRF)
- Working committee of Clinical Research Unit (CRU)
- e-Research Newsletter & e-Grants update committee
- Committee for Public Awareness of Research
- Various other committees constituted from time to time (need based)