अ.भा.आ.सं - दिल्ली


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The Research Section, AIIMS, Delhi, forms the primary institutional administrative body tasked with management of all research activities as well as spearheading future research capacity of the institute. With expertise in strategic planning, grant management, and regulatory compliance, the Research Section ensures seamless collaboration between academia, regulatory authorities and funding agencies.

Research at AIIMS spans a diverse spectrum of disciplines, from fundamental scientific exploration to translational breakthroughs. The Research Section plays a pivotal role in facilitating and coordinating research across various departments and forms the central hub for capacity development & research training. Formed as the Scheme Cell in 1979, the research section has significantly expanded over the years.


Multiple competitive yearly research grants serve as catalysts for promoting research excellence. Student & resident scholarships help skill development. Collaborations with national and international institutes play a crucial role in nurturing breakthrough innovations.



Annual research day celebrations showcase excellence in research, inspiring young researchers. The prestigious AIIMS excellence awards, bestowed yearly, recognizes outstanding research contributions in the field of biomedical sciences.



Specialized units, equipped with advanced training capacity and state-of-the-art labs promote capacity. Training workshops on research methodology, digital data management with REDCap, data analysis, review and meta-analysis imparts essential research skills.

Research Portal

A centralised research submission portal manages all project submission and grant application at AIIMS. Research grant documentation and application forms can be downloaded from portal.

Research Directory

To foster openness and collaboration, several research directories are now available, summarising the research grants, profiles & publications of Faculty & Scientists at the institute.

Projects Sanctioned

(2023 – 2024)

Projects Managed


Amount Managed



Guidelines relevant to the submission of research proposals to Screening Committee for Research Proposal (SCRP) through BioRRAP

Call for Technology Showcasing and Medhackathon at 4th Research Day on 29th & 30th January 2025; AIIMS, New Delhi

AIIMS-CSIR Collaborative Meet & MoU Signing Ceremony.

Call for Applications / Scientific High Level Visiting Fellowships (SSHN) 2024 / French Embassy in India

Infosys Chair in Cancer (Oncology)

Read all research notices


Half-Day Workshop on – Data Analysis using SPSS

Rayyan for Systematic Reviews

Hands-on Workshop on “Research Data Capturing using REDCap” for AIIMS Faculty and Scientists on 01st and 02nd December 2023

Invitation to attend Early Career Research Methodology Workshop” for Faculty and Scientists from 08th to 09th August 2023

Work-shop by General facility, CCRF

Read all training events


4th AIIMS Annual Research Day on 29th & 30th January, 2025 at JL Auditorium

Dear All, You are cordially invited to the "4th AIIMS Annual Research Day" on 29th & 30th January, 2025 at JL Auditorium, AIIMS, New Delhi. This significant research event will bring together students, residents, scientists, and faculty members of AIIMS, showcasing their remarkable research through platform and...

2019 – First AIIMS Annual Research Day

First annual AIIMS research day was celebrated on 26th March 2019. Prof. MK Bhan was the Chief Guest and delivered the AIIMS Diamond Jubilee Oration. A total of 423 abstracts were received across all categories of students and residents. They were reviewed by screening committees of faculty members and the top 3...

2022 – Second AIIMS Annual Research Day

Second Annual AIIMS Research Day was celebrated on 18th October, 2022. The 2nd Research Day included the following activities: Dr. Chandan K. Sen, J. Stanley Battersby Chair and Professor of Surgery, Director of the Indiana Center for Regenerative Medicine and Engineering, delivered the AIIMS Silver Jubilee Oration...

2024 – Third AIIMS Annual Research Day

The Research Section has been celebrating Research Day every year. The annual event is dedicated to highlighting the breadth of research and depth of discovery at the Institute as it provides an excellent opportunity to students, residents, scientists and faculty to showcase their research work/poster and platform...


Administrative processes related to staff recruitment, continuation, termination, entitlements etc. are documented in the Procedure Wiki and in the Booklet. Frequently asked topics are linked here.

Recruitment Essentials

Extramural Recruitment

Intramural Recruitment

Staff Entitlement

Termination rules

All research purchases follow the Gov. of India rules, specified in the AIIMS Purchase Manual. Departmental and research committees work in liaison to ensure administrative compliance. See Procedure Wiki for further details.

Procurement through GeM

Purchases < Rs. 25,000/-

Purchases < Rs.2,50,000/-

Purchases > Rs. 2,50,000/- (TSEC)

Stores purchase committee

Common issues in pruchase

Extramural, intramural and collaborative project funds are managed, disbursed and audited by the Research Section. Finances follow the GFR Rules (General Financial Rules), of Gov. of India. See Procedure Wiki for further details.

Research Account

Overhead Charges

Expenditure of Funds

Income Tax

EZ Card

Account Audit





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Dean (Research)

Associate Dean (Research)

Administrative Officer

Accounts Officer

Stores Officer

Dean (Research) Secretariat

Administrative Wing

Accounts Wing

Stores Wing

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