AIIMS Extramural
Research Rules

The Research Section provides funds for intramural projects to the faculty, scientists and students of AIIMS. It is the policy of the institute to promote equal opportunity in research with priority for young and new investigators. These wide-ranging research grants include undergraduate mentorship, postgraduate thesis support, early carrier support, as well as national and international collaborative projects. The aim of the intramural grant scheme is to inculcate an environment of research and provide seed funding to early research ideas. Intramural grant schemes envisions development of capacity and skill of researchers, and prepares them for national and international grand challenges in research.

National Funding Agencies:

Faculty and Scientists can apply to various government funding agencies (e.g. DBT, DST, ICMR, DHR, CSIR, DRDO, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare etc.) as well as non-government funding agencies.

International Funding Agencies

The various international agencies, to which the Institute faculty and scientists can apply for research funding can be grouped as follows Agencies of United Nations,Foreign Govt. etc

FIST Project

Department of Science and Technology (DST) provides grants under “Fund for Improvement of S&T Infrastructure” (FIST) is to develop infrastructural facilities for research and teaching.

Short Term or Temporary Project

At times, faculty or, scientists at AIIMS are required to conduct research related short term projects, systematic reviews, conferences, symposiums or, training programs etc.

Clinical Trials

Many initiatives have been undertaken by the Government of India to strengthen the regulatory framework for clinical trials in India.

Corporate Social Responsibility


In AIIMS, any research project which is funded under corporate social responsibility (CSR) funding must be peer reviewed so that the scientific value of the project can be ensured and enhanced.

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SchemeEligibility CriteriaGrant/FundsDurationAnnouncement Date Last Date of SubmissionMode of SubmissionTentative Decision
Early Career Intramural Research ProjectAssistant Professors, Associate Professors, ScientistsINR 5 lakh per year2 yearsFebruaryMarch3 hard copies and soft copyMay
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Intramural Research ProjectProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, ScientistsINR 10 lakh per year to each PI of the two departments at AIIMS2 yearsJuneJuly3 hard copies and soft copyAugust
AIIMS – IITD Collaborative ProjectProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, Scientists INR 10 lakh per year, AIIMS – 5 lakhs, IITD- 5 lakhs2 yearsJulyAugust1 hard copy and soft copySeptember
AIIMS-THSTI Collaborative ProjectsProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, ScientistsINR 10 Lakh per year; AIIMS – 5 lakhs, THSTI- 5 lakhs2 yearsJulyAugust1 hard copy and soft copySeptember
AIIMS-IITK Collaborative ProjectsProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, ScientistsINR 10 Lakh per year; AIIMS – 5 lakhs; IITK- 5 lakhs2 yearsAugustAugust1 hard copy and soft copySeptember
Undergraduate Mentorship SchemeMBBS students third semester onwardsINR 2 lakhs per project1 yearFebruaryApril1 hard copy and soft copyJune
UCL-AIIMS Joint Research Seed Fund Call for ProposalsProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, ScientistsINR10 lakh per year, AIIMS - 5 lakhs, UCL- 5 lakhs1 yearDecember January 1 hard copy and soft copyFebruary

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