AIIMS Endowment
Funding Opportunities

The purpose of AIIMS Endowment Fund is to accept donations from various sources such as AIIMS alumni, philanthropists and organizations for supporting academic activities such as education, research, training, student and faculty exchange program, infrastructure development etc. It is maintained by an Executive Council, Scientific Advisory Committee and Fund Promotion Committee at AIIMS.

AIIMS Endowment

Funding Opportunities

International Travel


The Travel Scholarship Program for Students/ Residents/ Project Staff provides partial support for participation and presentation in international conferences. 

National Travel


Research Section provides a Partial support to undergraduates (MBBS & B.Sc.) to present their research work in National Conferences.

AIIMS International

Fellowship to Faculty

The fellowships is to provide opportunities to gain advanced training in emerging areas of medical sciences and utilize them for work

Shobha Seth Chair in

Gynecologic Oncology

This prestigious Chair is awarded to a Senior Faculty/Scientist from AIIMS, New Delhi who has an outstanding track record in the field of Gynaecologic Oncology.

SK Chawla Award

for best Research Paper

An Annual Research Award for Best Research paper in the field of Cardio-Thoracic Surgery, at AIIMS, New Delhi in the name of Dr. Surendra K Chawla.


Research Chair

The Governing Body of the Institute approved acceptance of grant from Infosys foundation to establish two Chairs at the Institute; one each in the Oncology and Obst & Gynecology.

AIIMS Oncology


The Institute has initiated awards for recognition of the research output and high-quality publications by faculty members and scientists in the field of ONCOLOGY at AIIMS.

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Anything & Everything

SchemeEligibility CriteriaGrant/FundsDurationAnnouncement Date Last Date of SubmissionMode of SubmissionTentative Decision
Early Career Intramural Research ProjectAssistant Professors, Associate Professors, ScientistsINR 5 lakh per year2 yearsFebruaryMarch3 hard copies and soft copyMay
Interdisciplinary Collaborative Intramural Research ProjectProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, ScientistsINR 10 lakh per year to each PI of the two departments at AIIMS2 yearsJuneJuly3 hard copies and soft copyAugust
AIIMS – IITD Collaborative ProjectProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, Scientists INR 10 lakh per year, AIIMS – 5 lakhs, IITD- 5 lakhs2 yearsJulyAugust1 hard copy and soft copySeptember
AIIMS-THSTI Collaborative ProjectsProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, ScientistsINR 10 Lakh per year; AIIMS – 5 lakhs, THSTI- 5 lakhs2 yearsJulyAugust1 hard copy and soft copySeptember
AIIMS-IITK Collaborative ProjectsProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, ScientistsINR 10 Lakh per year; AIIMS – 5 lakhs; IITK- 5 lakhs2 yearsAugustAugust1 hard copy and soft copySeptember
Undergraduate Mentorship SchemeMBBS students third semester onwardsINR 2 lakhs per project1 yearFebruaryApril1 hard copy and soft copyJune
UCL-AIIMS Joint Research Seed Fund Call for ProposalsProfessors, Additional Professors. Associate Professors and Assistant Professors, ScientistsINR10 lakh per year, AIIMS - 5 lakhs, UCL- 5 lakhs1 yearDecember January 1 hard copy and soft copyFebruary

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