Research Forms

28-Aug-24Accounts, Vendor BillGFR Certificate 155Certificate for goods purchased upto Rs. 2,50,000/- in terms of Rules No. 155 of GFR 2017
28-Aug-24Accounts, Vendor BillGFR Certificate 154Certificate for goods purchased upto Rs. 25,000/- in terms of Rules No. 154 of GFR 2017
12-Aug-24Accounts, ICMRICMR Interest Certificate 2023-24This is the interest certificate that needs to be submitted to ICMR as a part of the yearly report for projects funded by ICMR. The yearly interest is provided as a combined document for all ICMR projects managed by the research section.
12-Aug-24Accounts, DHRDHR Interest Certificate 2023-24This is the interest certificate that needs to be submitted to DHR as a part of the yearly report for projects funded by DHR. The yearly interest is provided as a combined document for all DHR projects managed by the research section.
12-Aug-24Accounts, DBTDBT No Interest Certificate 2023-24This is the interest certificate that needs to be submitted to DBT as a part of the yearly report for projects funded by DBT. The yearly DBT projects are managed by the research section through a separate Zero Balance Subsidiary Account (ZBSA). No interest is therefore generated.
12-Aug-24Accounts, DSTDST No Interest Certificate 2023-24This is the interest certificate that needs to be submitted to DST as a part of the yearly report for projects funded by DST. The DST projects are managed by the research section through a separate Zero Balance Subsidiary Account (ZBSA). No interest is therefore generated.
12-Aug-24Purchase, Stores, Vendor BillCertificate for goods purchased upto Rs. 25,000/-If product is not available on GeM and product price is up to INR 25,000, this certificate needs to be provided along with bill from vendor as per General Financial Rules (GFRs) 154.
12-Aug-24Purchase, Stores, Vendor BillCertificates for purchase between Rs. 25,000/- upto Rs. 2,50,000/-If product is not available on GeM and product price is between INR 25,000 to 2,50,000; these certificates need to be provided along with bill from vendor as per General Financial Rules (GFRs) 155.
12-Aug-24Purchase, Stores, Vendor BillChecklist for Submission of Bills by Project Investigator to Accounts SectionThese are the key documents that needs to be submitted along with the bills of purchase for proper processing. This document includes the checklist as well as all the necessary forms - Sanction Order, Proprietary Article Certificate (PAC), and Certificate of Reasonableness of Prices,
05-Aug-24AccountsLetter of Undertaking for Transfer of Funds & BifurcationLetter of Undertaking for transfer of funds and bifurcation to other co-investigators under the project.
05-Aug-24Accounts, PurchaseTemporary Advance FormTemporary electronic advance through online transfer for small or urgent payments (like MTNL bills, print etc). Bills above Rs.30,000 in each case or aggregating Rs.100,000 in each financial year are subject to TDS to be managed by PI.
05-Aug-24AccountsTravel Allowance formTravel Allowance form to provide particulars of official travel, or as permitted under research project.
05-Aug-24RecruitmentHouse Rent Allowance FormHRA Form to be provided by research staff at time of joining funded research projects
05-Aug-24RecruitmentProject Staff Appointment ChecklistChecklist to help new research project staff. Has to be completed at the time of joining.
05-Aug-24RecruitmentPost Acceptance Form - Contractual StaffAcceptance form for new research project staff. Has to be completed at the time of joining.17-Aug-2024
05-Aug-24RecruitmentJoining Form - Contractual StaffJoining form to be completed by all new research staff.
05-Aug-24Purchase, StoresApplication Form for Prepaid Card (eZ Pay Card)Application form for Prepaid Card (eZ Pay Card). This SBI card is used for temporary fund advance and for payment of small contingency purchases.
05-Aug-24Undergraduate MentorshipProforma for Undergraduate Research Mentorship SchemeUndergraduate Research Mentorship Scheme application form. Includes mentorship, project and budget forms. The form needs to be signed by the mentees, the mentor and the Head of the Department.
05-Aug-24Intramural ProjectProgress & Final Report of Intramural Research GrantProgress report form and Final report forms for Intramural Research Grant.
05-Aug-24Collaborative Project, Intramural ProjectProgress Report of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Intramural Research ProjectProforma for Progress Report of Interdisciplinary Collaborative Research Project. To be filled by both the Investigators.
05-Aug-24Postgraduate Thesis SupportProforma for Financial Support for MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCh ThesisApplication form for seeking financial support for MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCh Thesis.
05-Aug-24Intramural ProjectProforma for Intramural Nursing Faculty Research GrantApplication form for intramural nursing faculty research grant.
05-Aug-24Collaborative Project, Intramural ProjectUCL–AIIMS Faculty Interdisciplinary Research GrantForm for UCL–AIIMS Faculty Interdisciplinary Research Project Proposal application.
05-Aug-24Collaborative Project, Intramural ProjectIITD - AIIMS Faculty Interdisciplinary Research GrantApplication form for IIT Delhi – AIIMS Faculty Interdisciplinary Research Project Proposal.
05-Aug-24Collaborative Project, Intramural ProjectAIIMS - THSTI Faculty Interdisciplinary Research GrantApplication form for Faculty Interdisciplinary research project proposal for collaborative projects between AIIMS and THSTI

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