Financial Support
for Thesis

The Research Section, AIIMS, New Delhi provides funding support to foster research temperament amongst medical/dental post graduates. It has been seen that Junior Residents and Senior Residents sometimes find it challenging to carry out quality research work in the absence of adequate funds. This scheme provides financial support to MD/MS/MDS/DM/MCh residents for accomplishing the research objectives in their thesis.

Grant summary:

Amount: INR 2,00,000/-
Number: 100 Grantees/Year
Frequency: Twice a Year
Duration: 3 Years
Announcement: June and December
Result: September-October

Who can apply:

Junior Residents (MD/MS/MDS) and Senior Residents (DM/MCh) within 6 months of submission of their thesis protocol to academic section. The proposal must be approved by the AIIMS ethics committee.


Thesis Grant Guidelines

Award Details:

Under this scheme, the Research Section would provide a total financial support of Rs. 2 lakhs from the Intramural Research Grant to the selected candidates for pursuing their thesis research project.

The scheme will be advertised on the AIIMS research section website twice a calendar year (June and December). The number of awards will be limited to 100 per year (50 per batch of June and December).

The distribution of awards is as follows

  • MD/MS residents – 32 awards/batch
  • DM/MCh residents – 15 awards/batch
  • MDS residents – 3 awards/batch

The proposal will be considered purely on scientific merit as judged by the Expert Review Committee duly constituted for this purpose.

Application Details:

  • The application should be routed and forwarded through the thesis guide as well as the Head of the department.
  • The grant shall be issued in the name of the faculty/scientist who is the thesis guide.
  • The grant sanctioned will be released in two installments.
  • The grant will be released upon submission of an undertaking through the thesis guide stating that the funds received will be used strictly for the purpose for which it has been awarded.
  • The 1st installment (Rs.1 lakh) will be released initially after the approval of the grant.
  • The second installment will be subjected to the submission of the progress report showing completion of 50% work.
  • In case of failure of submission of the progress report, the candidate will not be entitled for the final installment.
  • In the event of candidate leaving the residency program in between, the grant sanctioned till that date will have to be remitted to the Institute with suitable justification, through the Guide.
  • The funds sanctioned will be used by the candidate for purchase of consumables for pursuance of thesis research work.
  • The funds cannot be utilized for purchase of equipment/ computer, staff salary, travel, organization as well as attending conferences /workshops /meetings etc.
  • The candidate shall submit the funds utilization certificate and progress report duly signed by the thesis Guide.
  • The candidate will acknowledge the financial assistance provided by the Institute in the publication(s) and presentation(s) emerging out of the thesis work.

Ready to Apply?

1. Visit Portal

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