AIIMS, New Delhi and Indian Institute of Technology (IIT)-Delhi entered into Memorandum of Understanding for research and academic collaborations in 2018. The objective of this collaboration is to enhance interdisciplinary research between the two institutions. It is expected that faculty members of both institutes will grow in expertise and explore the scope of research in interdisciplinary themes. It is also expected that these interdisciplinary research groups will attract strong support from external funding agencies. The collaboration intends to catalyze the synergic ‘cross-research activity’ between the two institutes, leading to joint research publications, patents and Ph.D. supervisions. These projects are to be considered as one-time grants. The success of these projects will be judged on how these projects contribute to joint research activities between the two institutes, and based on the extramural funding it creates.
Grant summary:
Amount: INR 2,000,000/-
Disbursement: INR 5 Lakhs/Year/PI
Frequency: Yearly
Duration: Two years
Announcement: July-August
Result: September-October
Who can apply:
The application should have two PIs, one from each institute. Any faculty or scientist from AIIMS can apply for the grant. Co-investigators from the same or other departments can be included, but will not be given any financial support.
Research Focus:
- Applied principles and design concepts of engineering to healthcare
- Medical devices such as imaging equipment, biocompatible materials such as prostheses or therapeutic biologicals
- Regenerative tissue growth and other processes
- 3D Bio-printing
- Artificial intelligence in health care
Note: These thrust areas have been identified in the MoU between IIT Delhi and AIIMS, New Delhi. However, applications need not be restricted to these.
Application Details:
How to apply? The full joint project proposal is to be submitted online by the Faculty PI from IIT-D in IRIS. Faculty PI from AIIMS should submit the proposal (submitted by the IIT-D counterpart in IRIS) online at the AIIMS research proposal portal and also send 3 printed copies to the Research Section, AIIMS. The projects are reviewed by an external project review committee comprising of external experts jointly chosen by AIIMS and IIT.
Financial support: The total grant is Rs. 20 Lakhs for two years – Rs.10 lakhs grant by IIT-D and Rs.10 Lakh grant by AIIMS, New Delhi. Of the selected project proposals, each Institute PI is awarded Rs.5 Lakh for the first year followed by similar funds in the second year, after review of the annual progress report and submission of Statement of Expenditure and Utilization Certificate to respective institutes. PIs are encouraged to submit a project for extramural funding after a year based on the preliminary findings of the intramural grant.
Clearances and Initiation of the project: All proposals require Ethics Committee clearance. The proposal should be submitted to AIIMS ethics committee and funds will be allocated for approved projects only after ethical clearance is obtained. There is no separate ethical clearance from IIT-D. Collaborative Research Agreement, Intellectual Property Right issues and Joint Supervision issues will be addressed as per the guidelines of the two institutes as described in detail in IITD-AIIMS MOU. It is expected that the joint research team will submit at least one research project to an external funding agency on the completion of the first year.
Utilization of funds: The funds of the projects can be used for consumables, contingencies, local travel and support staff salary such as Attendant, Lab Attendant, DEO & Lab Technician (NOT PhD students, JRF, SRF, Research Assistant, Research Associate, SRO, RO, Scientist etc.). Funds can be used for supporting work of a Ph.D student (consumables, contingencies etc.) provided the student has his/her own fellowship. Funds can be also used for the thesis/dissertation work of MD/MS/MCh/DM students etc. However, no machinery/ equipment purchase or national travel is allowed.