AIIMS Interdisciplinary
Research Project

This collaborative research initiative has been introduced with effect from 2018-19 for providing financial support to theme-based, disease-specific, inter-disciplinary collaborative projects with translational approach.

The purpose of this is to address the issues/technology that are interdisciplinary and beyond the scope of one department/specialty. This will harness and bridge the diverse yet complementary expertise of faculty at AIIMS.

Grant summary:

Amount: INR 1,000,000/-
Disbursement: INR 10 Lakhs/Year
Frequency: Yearly
Duration: Two years
Announcement: July-August
Result: September-October

Who can apply:

This initiative is open to faculty at all levels & scientists of AIIMS. Faculty from two departments need to jointly apply in a combined proposal.


If a faculty has an ongoing intramural project under any of the below mentioned schemes as a PI, then his/her proposal will not be considered.

  • Interdisciplinary Collaborative Intramural Research Project.
  • AIIMS-IITD Collaborative Research Project.
  • AIIMS-THSTI Collaborative Research Project.
  • AIIMS-UCL Collaborative Research Project.

Application Details:

How to apply? Faculty from two departments can apply together as principal investigator (PI). The contribution and work distribution among PI should be clearly mentioned to reflect complementarity and importance of the joint project. Projects are reviewed by external review committee setup for such projects.

Financial support: Funding up to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs to each principal investigator and combined maximum grant of Rs. 10 lakhs per annum is possible depending upon the merits of the project as decided by the review committee. The Project is sanctioned for one year, which can be extended for another year after review of annual progress report.

Clearances and Initiation of the project: Process is same as for early career intra-mural research grants, The PI of both departments should submit a collaborative research agreement after grant of project funds describing the arrangements for ownership of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR)/patents (if applicable) and authorship in publications.

Utilization of funds: The budget for the two PI is sanctioned independently and they get to spend their respective grant individually. Each year, both must submit a combined Utilization Certificate (UC) along with a joint annual progress report. The funding is only for consumables and not for employing staff, or purchasing machinery or, equipment.

Ready to Apply?

1. Visit Portal

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